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What happens if you’ve lost your car keys?

alex bradley headshot
By Alex
Black Mercedes car keys on a seat

Our blog explains what to do if you’ve lost your car keys

What can you do if you’ve lost your car keys?

Person using car door handle

What if they’re the keys to my lease car?

How to find lost car keys

How much do lost car keys cost?

Type of key

Estimated cost 

Basic metal key (manual lock)


Transponder key (chip inside)


Keyless entry fob 


What are the different types of car keys?

Person in grey jumper holding black car keys

What affects the price of replacing car keys?

Will my insurance cover lost keys?

Black audi car key

What to do if you’ve lost your keys to a lease car?

How to avoid losing car keys


alex bradley headshot

About the Author: Alex Bradley

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